Group live sales
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Written by Team Paloma
Updated over a week ago

Hosting an Instagram Live sale with multiple shops is a great way to get new customers (and they're a ton of fun!)

In this article, we'll cover how these group sales work for you, your co-hosts, and your customers.

Table of contents


When a Paloma shop hosts an Instagram live with other pages, any of the pages that are also using Paloma can have their claims and invoicing automated.

The Main Host is the page that starts the live.

The Guest Hosts are the pages that are invited to join the live.

Here are the main things to know, with all the details below.

  • The main host will need to have a Paloma account that is connected to their Instagram page

  • The guest hosts do not need to have a Paloma account, but any that do will be able to have their claims automated

  • The main host will be able to see all the claim wins, but will not be able to access any of the guest host's customer cart or order information

  • Customers will get order confirmation DMs from the main host, but will be directed to checkout with each of the guest hosts separately

  • Note: Group sales are only supported for Claim items with a Fixed Price at this time

Customer experience

The customer experience for claiming can vary based on how you want to prep your sale. Once a claim is made, the confirmation and checkout instructions will be sent from the Main Host.

Pre-loaded, fixed price listings

If you plan to pre-load your inventory, you'll get a claim code for each item. With this format, there are two ways a customer can get a claim:

  1. Customers can claim by tagging the shop's Instagram handle in their comment.
    For example, the customer can comment: "@vintagegoods Claim VC14"

  2. The seller can assign the claim to a customer by tagging the customer in a comment along with the claim code.
    For example, the shop selling the item can comment: "@buyer VC14"

Live listings

If you don't want to pre-load inventory, you can list and assign claims from the live by tagging the customer in a comment, along with the item title and price.

For example "@buyer Vintage camera $14"

Claim confirmations

When the customer wins the claim, they'll receive a DM confirmation from the page that is the main host of the sale. There, they can reply "Checkout" to view their carts, and will be directed to visit each page to complete their payments.

Setup for hosting and joining group sales

When managing a group sale, not every page needs to be using Paloma, but the main host does need to be connected Paloma for any of the other Paloma shops to be automated.

To make this happen, you'll need to set up connections with the shops that can host your sales, or the shops that you can host.

Hosting other Paloma shops

In order to host other Paloma shops in a Live Sale, and have their claims automated, you'll need to have a Paloma account that is connected to your Instagram page.

Note: You do not need to be selling anything as the main host

To host the other Paloma shop's claims, you'll need to request their approval:

  1. Go to your Paloma Settings, and scroll down to "Group Sale Settings"

  2. Select "Send a request to host"

  3. Enter the email address of the seller you'll be hosting, to send the connection request

Once they've confirmed your request, you will receive an email confirming the approval, and it will show up as "approved" in your Settings.

Being hosted by another Paloma shop

The main host will need to send you a request to host your sales, which you can approve to complete the connection.

When a host sends a request, you'll receive an email.

  1. Click "Manage request" to get to your Paloma Settings, and scroll down to "Group Sale Settings"

  2. Next to the connection request, select "Approve"

This will complete the connection, and send an email to the seller letting them know the connection is approved.

During the sale

Once you're live, any claims will show up in the main host's claims feed, and the tagged shop's claim feed. While the main host can see all the claim wins, they are not able to see any customer, cart, or order details for guest shops.

Note: Only Claim items with a fixed price are currently supported in group sales

After the sale

When a customer replies "Checkout" to their claim confirmation DM, they'll be given an overview of their carts, and instructed to checkout.

This message will provide a link to each guest host's page, and directions to DM "Checkout" to receive their cart and checkout link.

If you are a guest host and a customer does not reach out, we recommend sending them a message.

This message will encourage them to reply, starting a conversation with your page:

"Your invoice is available for today's live sale! Reply "Checkout" to complete your order, and have it shipped."

This message will get them the checkout link fastest:

"Your invoice is available for today's live sale! Click here to pay, and have your order shipped: [insert their checkout link from the Paloma Carts page]"

Any trouble? Questions? We're here to help!

Use the Help button in the bottom right corner of to start a chat, or email us at

If you have further questions about whether tax legislation applies to you, then you should contact US state tax authorities or a local tax professional.

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