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Onboarding walk through

A detailed guide to setting up a shop on Paloma

Kelsey avatar
Written by Kelsey
Updated over 9 months ago

This guide will walk through every step of our onboarding, so you can start running sales with Paloma.

Estimated setup time: 10 minutes

Setup guide

What you'll need

  • Connecting social

    ☑️ Instagram login for the page you'd like to sell through

    ☑️ Facebook login for your personal Facebook account

  • Setting up payouts

    ☑️ Personal or business tax information

    ☑️ Bank account or debit card information

Creating your account

Visit to create your Paloma account. Here you'll need to enter:

  • First name

  • Instagram handle

  • Email

  • Password

Picking your plan

At this step you can pick a Paloma plan and "Continue", or select "Not sure yet" to come back to it later.

  • Basic: This plan does not include our secure billing form. Customers will instead be directed to pay outside of Paloma, via PayPal and/or Venmo, and you will need to mark their carts as paid to complete Order processing.

  • Starter: Includes our secure, billing form. Pay as you go with no monthly fee.

  • Professional: Includes our secure, billing form. Save on fees with a monthly or annual fee.

  • Growth: For higher volume business, contact our team to discuss a custom rate.

Connecting to social

In this step, we'll connect Paloma's app to your Instagram page.

To do this, your Instagram page will need to be a Business account that is connected to a Facebook business account, and if it's not already, Meta's authorization process will help get that configured.

Note: This is a Meta requirement for business apps. Once connected, you do not need to post or stay active with the connected Facebook page, but it will need to exist.

Authorizing with Meta

1. Select "Authorize with Meta"

2. Log into Facebook with your Personal Facebook profile

3. Select "Continue as [your name]"

4. Select "Get started"

5. Log into Instagram with the login for the page you'd like to connect

5.a If your Instagram page isn't a Professional account, you'll be taken through the steps to update it's settings

5.b If prompted, select a Facebook page to connect to or create a new page, and select "Next" to continue

5.c Review the connection, and select "Next" to continue

Granting page access

At these next screens you'll be given the option to "Opt in to all current and future", or "Opt in to current only" (which will display a list of current pages to choose from).

Opting in gives the Paloma app the ability to connect to the Business and Pages you select, but does not actually connect all of these to your Paloma account – you'll later be presented with a list of the Businesses & Pages you opted in to, to choose which you'd like to connect with your Paloma account.

Note: We recommend selecting "Opt in to all current and future" to avoid missing the correct combination of Business and Pages.

6. Choose the Businesses you want Paloma to access, and select "Continue"

7. Choose the Pages you want Paloma to access, and select "Continue"

8. Choose the Instagram Accounts you want Paloma to access, and select "Continue"

9. Review permissions and select "Save" to continue

10. Once you see the "[Your name] has been connected to Paloma, select "Got it". You'll be taken back to Paloma.

Confirm & connect

11. You should now see a list of the pages you gave Paloma permission to display. Look for the Instagram and Facebook page combination, and select it. Select "Connect to page", and "Continue" at the bottom of the screen

Note: If you do not see the Instagram icon and page name you wanted to connect, one of the steps was not successfully completed. Reach out to support for help with your connection.

Setting up payouts

Applies to the Starter, Professional & Growth Plans

Paloma is partnered with Stripe for secure payment processing. This next section will get you setup to be able to take those payments, and receive payouts, by creating a Stripe account within the Paloma platform.

1. Select "Continue" to begin

2. Get started: Enter email address and password, then "Submit" to continue

3. Basics: Select your Type of business: Individual, Company, or Non-profit, and "Continue"

4. Legal information: Depending on which business format you selected, you'll be prompted to enter personal or business legal information. Select "Continue"

5. Business details:

  • Select the most relevant Industry

  • Enter a website: Here you should the Instagram link for the page you'll be selling through

  • Enter a product description that best applies to the types of products you sell

6. Select an account for payouts, or enter your bank details manually

7. Add public details for customers

  • Statement description: Revise this to display just your business page name

  • Shortened descriptor: We recommend leaving this blank

  • Customer support phone number: Paloma does not display this information to your customers, but it is required to continue

  • Customer support address: Paloma does not display this information to your customers, but it is required to continue

8. Review and submit

Setting store details

1. Select your fulfillment settings

  • For shipping, you can set a flat rate shipping fee, and free shipping minimum

  • For pickup, you can provide instructions for customers to collect their order

2. Set your tax settings

  • Select if you're registered in your own states, multiple states, or no states

  • Select any of the states you're registered to collect taxes

3. Payment deadlines

  • Enable deadline settings to communicate to customers, and keep track of unpaid carts

  • If enabled, select the due date for your carts

Start selling

You're all set! Now that your onboarding is complete, you can add any additional settings, review our guides on how to sell, or continue to explore the dashboard.

Any trouble? Questions? We're here to help!

Use the Help button in the bottom right corner of to start a chat, or email us at

If you have further questions about whether tax legislation applies to you, then you should contact US state tax authorities or a local tax professional.

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